Sunday, November 28, 2010

Samuel's First Haircut and Donny's 28th bday at Disney!

Well...much to Donny's displeasure Samuel had been referred to as a "she" for the past month by some people so it was time for a haircut. Keeping with the family tradition that you MUST be over 1 to get your haircut Donny and I took Samuel to the Barber shop on Main Street in the Magic Kingdom to get his very first haircut...complete with his first Mickey ears, a certificate, and his little curls. He did great and now looks like a big boy!
These are the before pics:

During and after:

I had to go out of town on business on the 16th of November and Donny and Samuel came down and picked me up on the 19th and we spent the next 5 days touring Orlando for our new home and spending Donny's bday at the Magic Kingdom and Epcot. We didn't find anywhere to live and that is still up for debate but Donny had a fabulous 28th bday!


Halloween was very eventful this year although I had not planned on doing much since Samuel is only 1. I traveled to Ocala the week before for some leadership training so when I came back the Thursday before Halloween I panicked. Donny and I had to head over to Party City for Samuel's bumble bee costume in order to match everyone (per our executive director) in their bee costumes. Halloween ended up being alot of fun.

On Friday, Samuel came to Westwood where I am the HR Director or the former HR Director now to join in the festivities. Last year during Halloween I was on Maternity Leave so I had no idea what the party would involve. It started with the associate costume contest and then the resident costume contest. Samuel had a blast!

On Saturday, Donny and I decided we would keep the tradition of going to Sandestin and the Village of Baytown Wharf for Halloween. Samuel is too young to Trick or Treat so we just went to see all of the funny costumes! We started by having dinner at my favorite restaurant...Stinky's Fish Camp on 30A. Samuel had a ball dancing at Baytown!

Monday, October 25, 2010

Pumpkin Patch!

So...I have always wanted to go to a Pumpkin Patch! Come to think of it...I wonder now where my parents got the pumpkins that we carved when I was little because I don't ever recall going to a pumpkin patch and picking a pumpkin! I guess in the 80's and early 90's the Piggly Wiggly or Hoggly Woggly (as my Bigmama called it) would be the place to "pick the pumpkin." For the past couple of years I always thought, when I have a baby...I'm definetely taking he/she to the pumpkin patch. So...on Saturday we decided we would take Samuel. I got him up and dressed him in his little pumpkin smocked outfit (to which I can not post what Donny's comment was). Don't worry it wasn't cursing or anything that could hinder Samuel's intelligence. Donny thinks that on game day you should be decked out in total Alabama attire or a t-shirt and diaper (for Samuel of course).

We drove over to Niceville to the Methodist Church who has a wonderful Pumpkin Patch. Samuel was a little unsure at first but warmed up rather quickly to the dirt and pumpkins and actually resulted in Donny carrying him to the car with his feet least he wasn't screaming but rather pushing Donny away and trying to get down on the ground to play in the dirt in his Strasburg smocked pumpkin outfit.  We stopped off at Pompano Joe's for lunch and then home for his mid day nap before heading over  Destin Commons to enjoy the afternoon.

Also, did I mention that Samuel didn't just start walking...he actually prefers running or walking fast and swinging his arm for momentum. We never went through the "first steps" or walk a few steps and fall...he literally starting walking and never looked back. That is the disclaimer for most of the pictures where he is either running "away" or "to" the camera!

Happy Fall!